►”Notescores” added
Players now earn a score that is cumulative for all songs called a “notescore”. Your notescore is the sum of your best scores for each song, and will be displayed near your avatar when logging in and during multiplayer queues. We’ll also show this number in our leaderboards on the web site once that’s complete.
► Multiplayer “name cards” added
After selecting difficulty, online machines would previously send you to a screen with a blank wheel. Now, each participant in online matches will appear as “cards” in this wheel, each showing the player’s name, arcade, avatar, best score for the song, and notescore.
► Players in multiplayer lobby now HOLD button to start
If multiple players have joined a game, they must now HOLD the start button to leave the lobby and start a single-player game, with an attractive red warning flashing while they do so. This is designed to help players find netgames without participants accidentally abandoning them.
►Wi-fi connection improvements
Added support for more special characters in the wi-fi connection screen (in the service menu for operators).