A new version (1.7.4) is now available for iOS users and will be available to Android users shortly. A full list of changes is as follows:
- Added confirmation dialogue on e-coin purchases.
- Fixed Song Pack display discount % being incorrect (displaying 75% off instead of 25% off).
- Fixed FPS Toggle causing the game to stall / crash when finishing a song.
- Fixed song packs with non-standard numbers of songs not displaying correctly.
- Fixed game stalling on user rank up.
- Fixed songs that can be completed to unlock other songs still showing unlocked song banners at end screen even if song was already unlocked.
- Fixed real world currency cost fields for e-coins are getting cut off for certain types of currency.
- Fixed hold notes on Triple Mode not rendering correctly in some instances.
- Possible fix for opening the purchase window crashing the game in rare instances.
- Fixed free song list not initializing correctly in offline mode.
- Possible fix for offline mode stalling at loading screen in rare instances.
- Fixed bugs with breaking combo and ghost notes related to turning off 2, 3, and 4 hits in options.